Friday, November 9, 2007

PMS and Beer

Holy God, what a week.

First Daylight Savings... one hour back sounds fine until it's pitch black at 5:30. Then there's the cold. It's been almost 80 every day since June, then all of a sudden HOLY SHIT it's freaking fall. And I mean scrape-the-frozen-dew-off-your-windows cuz it's-practically-winter fall. Then the PMS. Now I admittedly have the worst PMS a woman could possibly have, at least half of the time (one ovary's a real bitch). You know the kind. The kind that men joke about because it's such a stereotype but the fact that it actually happens to you makes you want to shoot someone, preferably a man (only during that one week, of course).

So mix together bitchiness and irritability, finally-have-to-get-the-coat-out cold, being an hour off all week and suddenly dark after work... then throw in the fact that we watched some H-E-A-V-Y movies this week and... good lord, I needed a beer tonight. It also didn't help that I think my body has been fighting something off this week. Every night I've sat my ass on the couch, curled in blankets with my dinner on my lap, followed by completely passing out for 9 hours each night but STILL tired during the day. Any other week I would think that something was wrong, but stack that much shit up on one week and WOW. I am wrecked.

So whining aside, I'm happy that it's Friday. Just watched a cheezy romantic comedy, knocked back a couple Saranac Chocolate Amber's (yeah, that's actually a beer), and sitting here downloading and listening to old 80's music that I missed out on cuz I was a little kid and my Dad hated the 80's.

I gotta admit, sitting here in the warmth of my apartment with two days of fun ahead, my cute hubby and kitty in the other room and my Mommy coming to visit this weekend... it's quite nice when life kicks your ass and you realize that you still really don't have anything to complain about. I may come off as a whiny brat, but I really am very lucky.

Cheers to that.

1 comment:

Trina said...

PMS, it sucks. And it is entirely out of your control. Yes, you can try to fight it, but when it comes down to it, your body rejects cheerful, as if it were some kind of organ transplant, attacking it and making your more irritable than before. Sometimes, you just have to give in and wallow in your hormone-induced bad mood. And keep some good chocolate on hand. :)