Wednesday, October 10, 2007

everything's coming up music

funny how life's happenings sometimes group themselves naturally, all occurring at once. this week has been host to one of these odd clusterings of events.... and it has been music to my ears. literally.

it began last saturday, when john and i drove out to boston for an evening with The National, currently touting their newest album, Boxer. the show was at the Roxy, a cool and neon-lit nightclub complete with twirling discoball that reminded me of London's Electric Ballroom. but the sweet venue was just the beginning.... the show ROCKED, in every sense of the word. the guys were spot-on, having a ball onstage, getting the crowd pumped and tipping back Stellas all the while. fantastic.

that same night, whilst we were bopping our heads in Boston, a huge music fest with a slew of our most favorite bands happened on Randalls Island in NYC. we would have went had we not already bought our National tickets. yes, we would miss Arcade Fire's final performance on the Neon Bible tour. yes, we would miss LCD Soundsystem and Blonde Redhead. we had come to terms with it already. but the night wouldn't let us forget what we missed. the next morning john was reading his daily dose of music news from pitchfork media and discovered that our friend Isaac had attended the show, capturing the most amazing video footage of Arcade Fire's newsworthy romp... so amazing that they wrote about it! See the video for yourself...

Power Out / Lies from casiotone on Vimeo.

also in musical news, the foo fighters were in glens falls last night. yes. you heard that right. foo fighters as in dave grohl as in nirvana as in modern rock at its finest... here. at the glens falls civic center. apparently, they're warming up for an upcoming tour and chose a low-key locale to do so. i didn't get to go... but my boss Derek went and reported that it was "freaking awesome."

then (yes there is more) today. angels flew down from heaven, entered the buzzing cables and wires connecting computers worldwide, and delivering the most beautiful sounds directly to our inbox at 7am. or noon, if you're a brit like radiohead.... whom today, after four years of hush-hush with the occasional slip of something in the works... released their seventh album, In Rainbows. completely self-produced and released, it was only announced 10 days ago that the album even existed, and - equally exciting - the online download is whatever price you want. unreal. like a whirlwind, radiohead soared down and planted a rainbow kiss upon our cheeks.... ok, ok, enough already. of course, In Rainbows is nothing short of incredible. i would expect no less from the boys.

and lastly... to put a personal twist on this week of musical madness, i've been strumming the guitar like never before. me and my three phenomenally talented and uber-cool colleagues at trampoline design are performing this friday evening, 7pm, for a local business media night and benefit concert. we've ended each work day this week with an all-out jam session, and let me tell you, we are hot. i mean, come on... just LOOK at this picture:

our performance will be the perfect nightcap for a week of beeeautiful musical magic.

"Hold ourselves together with our arms around the stereo for hours
While it sings to itself or whatever it does
when it sings to itself of its long lost loves
I’m getting tied, I’m forgetting why"

- The National

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